Re: Formula Assistance - Pulling values after delimiter in text string
Hi @ConnorForm , You use a combination of RIGHT(), LEN(), FIND(), and SUBSTITUTE(). Here is an example of a formula that works. Formula in "Last characters" field =RIGHT([Primary Column]@ro…1 · -
Re: new project using the control center: the move / copy rows have to point to new sheets created
This is needed to maintain trends for a changing project. I want to copy the project summary line to a Project History sheet so we can graph trends in earned variance for costs and schedule. Neil1 · -
Re: Link Resource Management "Phase" of a project to data in Smartsheet
Yes, please. This would be really useful and help with the issue of Smartsheet tracking at activity level and Resource Management tracking at project level. See this discussion. https://community.sma…1 · -
Re: Track time in Resource Management by task, not by project overall
When integrating with Smartsheet: Smartsheet tracks hours at a task or phase level Resource Management tracks at a project level This discrepancy makes actuals vs budget of much lower value because w…2 · -
Re: Proof notifications - Allow @mention notifications on Proofs to users not shared to sheet
Further testing of WorkApps reveals significant issues with @mentions. When a report is used to filter out row, an @mention generates an email notification with two big issues. The name does not auto…2 ·